Roast Cod & Cockle Ketchup

Roast Cod & Cockle Ketchup

Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

66 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7LA



Cockle ketchup, leaf chicory & seaweed butter. The word ketchup, derives from kê-tsiap, a Chinese dialect word meaning “brine of pickled fish”. Gradually, it became a catch-all term for a variety of soy-based condiments and fermented fish sauces. Sailors on merchant vessels in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea came across ketchup and started taking barrels on board to spice up the ocean-going diet of bully beef and tack biscuit. The inspiration for this dish came from a recipe for cockle ketchup which can be found in Maria Eliza Rundell’s ‘A New Found System of Domestic Cookery’.